domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

What's in the jar?

Last week we did an activity for an English project named "what's in the jar?", we had been working on it for a long time ago.

First, we divided the class into different groups depending on what charity we were supporting (animals, people in need, dogs...etc). I was supporting dogs and me and my group search about some charities who helps them, finally we found a charity named RSCPA and we decided to support it because it was one of the most important charity who helps animals.

We thought about some activities we could do to raise money for the charity, one of them was a marathon in which you had to run with your dog, another one was a swimming race with the dog too. We prepared a presentation where we explained our charity and our idea to raise money.
When all the people present their activity we vote for the best one, and the winner idea was from the group who was supporting Caritas, their idea was a game in which you had to guess the number of candies that were in a jar.

After choosing the activity we started to organize it. We started dividing the tasks, some people was in charge of putting posters on the high school, other people was in charge of printing tickets, and all the class was in charge of supporting the activity on the social nets. We also write some formal letters to caritas and to the principal of the school, we write them in English and in Spanish.

On Friday the 10th we did the game, we did it on the playground and we collected a lot of money.
On Thursday the 16th we did it in the other part of the high school with the small children, we also collected a lot of money. At the end we gave the money to Caritas, they thanks it a lot, and we gave the price to the winner of the game (Paula Ruiz).

In my opinion it was a very good way to raise money for a charity and it is very important because in this time the charities need the money.

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